Saturday, October 27, 2012

Seven deadly sins

Pride:Very High

Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

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Saturday, September 15, 2012


There is something dead wrong about the paragraphing in the previous post but I am so lazy to adjust the html codes. I don't like to read it if I were a reader.

This is a testing post.


Friday, September 14, 2012


Bored. Doing internet memes to kill time.

1. Tell me one of your bad habits
I procrastinate.

2. If you had to be an animal what would it be?
A koala. Major fascination with koalas since I came back from Gold Coast.

3. Favourite dessert?
Mango Sago with Pomelo.

4. Tea or coffee?
Teh Peng thankew.

5. What colour is your underwear?
Black hush puppies.

6. Do you believe in horoscopes?
No reason not to. I think I match the Gemini trait extremely well.

7. What's your favourite fruit?

8. How many bedrooms does your house/flat/where you are living have?

9. What is the most you are willing to spend on one item of clothing?
S$200 for myself, probably lesser for another person. I have not got anything more than S$200 for myself okay. Okay wait a minute, I think my CK watch was > S$200. I don't spend >S$100 for ONE piece of clothing definitely.

10. What beauty product can you not live without?
Shampoo. The Black Gold Shampoo. It makes my scalp less oily.

11. What's the time?
1.53 PM on a Saturday.

12. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?
Put on make-up and walk in the hot Singapore weather to understand how it feels like to be a Singaporean girl.

13. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
To have the ability to teleport.

14. Would you rather be too hot, or too cold?
Too cold.

15. Who is your role model? And why?
I thought long and hard about this... but I can't name any.

16. If you could invite any 3 people, dead or alive, to a dinner party, who would they be?
Psy for him to perform Gangnam Style for my audience
P Ramlee for this legendary works which are felt till today and
Michael Jackson to ask him if he really were Moslem before he passed on.

17. Are you a morning person, or a night person?
Definitely not a morning person.

18. If you could go back, to one moment in your life ,what would it be?
10 years old - I'd take up basketball and grow taller than now.

19. What is your current favourite song?
 Bruno Mars - Today My Life Begins.

20. Would you rather eat poo flavoured chocolate, or chocolate flavoured poo? 
Poo flavoured chocolate as the bulk is chocolate. 

21. What part of you do you find the most attractive?
My eyes. 

22. What animal describes your best friend?

A giant Panda.

23.  Do you prefer your partner/future partner to be shaved?

24. What is the one country you want to visit before you pass on?

25. Complete this sentence. Vegetarians are.. admirable lot of people - I can never go without meat. How do they lead their meatless lives?

26.  What's the most annoying song you've heard recently?
Call Me Maybe?

There you go. 26 questions!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

My life as it is now.

Priority in life now is to get back in shape.


Monday, November 28, 2011

A new beginning

Hello blogging world.

I'm reviving my blog after a long period of hiatus. Starting on a clean slate so all old entries are gone. They probably aren't going to be gone forever, maybe I have decided to save them somewhere... Maybe they're just etched in my mind. Either way, I am starting anew! Afresh!

One may wonder why I am still sticking to blogging after all the enticing new media such as twitter, tumblr or even fb statuses have come up over the years. I do have an account with ALL of them. However, facebook feels too public whereas twitter is limited to 140 characters. And when you want to post more, you have to split it up or use twitlonger which defeats the purpose of twitting imho. So I am not a twitter person though I twit very occasionally and my twitter account is locked for obvious reasons. And tumblr, well, let's just say that I prefer to use words than pictures to represent how I feel and what I do.

And if you see how much I manage to write just to explain one point - why I blog instead of using twitter, fb or tumblr - you will definitely understand why I dig blogging.

As to why I decide to start anew today, someone on fb made me reminisce about my superior blogging days when as a juvenile I used to write so much and it sorta makes me miss that part of my life a lot. I went back to read my past entries (dated 2007 and earlier) and I wonder how the heck did I manage to write so much rubbish yet sound a little entertaining then? So here am I trying to reignite the passion I used to have so much for - writing - and probably find myself back in those carefree juvenile days. Age increases no matter what, but what's more important is that the inside stays young - and I am using this blog to relive what I did in my younger days, sans the vulgarities of course.

One last point about the "you" in this entry, one will probably wonder who will read my non-existent blog after so long. I actually told a few people that I am starting to blog again today. So if you have read this after I told you to: Hello! Gimme a shoutout!
